Thursday, August 9, 2007

La Vertu d'Acceptation Totale

"Certes, la souffrance d'un enfant etait humiliante pour l'esprit et le coeur. Mais c'est pourquoi il fallait y entrer. Mais c'est pourquoi, et Paneloux assura son auditoire que ce qu'il allait dire n'etait pas facile a dire, il fallait la vouloir parce que Dieu la voulait. Ainsi seulement le chretien n'epargnerait rien et, toutes issues fermees, irait au fond du choix essentiel. Il chosirait de tout croire pour ne pas etre reduit a tout nier. Et comme les braves femmes qui, dans les eglises en ce moment, ayant appris que les bubons qui se formaient etaient la voie naturelle par ou le corps rejetait son enfection, disaient: "Mon Dieu, donnez-lui des bubons", le chretien saurait s'abandonner a la volonte divine, meme incomprehensible. On ne pouvait dire: "cela je le comprends; mais ceci est inacceptable", il fallait sauter au coeur de cet inacceptable qui nous etait offert, justement pour que nous fissions notre choix. La souffrance des enfants etait notre pain amer, mais sans ce pain, notre ame perirait de sa faim spirituelle."(Paneloux en La Peste par Albert Camus, p. 248)

This reasoning by the priest in the The Plague that we must choose to accept completely the way of God despite difficulties in understanding why bad things happen for seemingly no reason is enlightening for me. I do not know exactly what Camus is trying to get across--if he is actually trying to discredit this reasoning--but it seems clear to me that we cannot pick and choose what we will believe in depending on our preferences. That would negate the good which comes only on the condition of complete submission. I do not mean that we must submit to what others believe is the correct way but what we know is right.

1 comment:

martha corinna said...

I loved the Plague, in fact I have it up stairs in my book shelf. I read the Plague in some honors class, yeah, I'm smart like that. Anyway, the timing of the plague is interesting, as well as the insights.
I don't know if I'm quite at the point of submitting completely to all I know is true, I try, but sometimes I kick against the pricks.